Freshly Frosted Android Full Version Download

Freshly Frosted makes me dream colorful donut dreams

I first played Freshly Frosted at night, a few hours before bed. I fell asleep and dreamed of donuts. The next morning I woke up and immediately went out to buy a dozen. I couldn’t get rid of the idea of ​​warm, neat, colorful, sweet donuts.

Basically, Freshly Frosted sounds like it’s less donuts and more machines. This is a puzzle game about laying conveyor belt tracks that will carry donuts from point A to point B. Along the way, they can pass through machines that will apply, in the order: frosting, dustings, whipped cream, and cherry toppings, with each level calling for a certain amount of donuts with specific toppings. So it may call for one dish, two frosted and one with whipped cream, but you will need to apply icing and sprinkles before the whipped cream can be added. The puzzles get more and more complex, adding more topping stations, tricks like merging conveyor belts and, of course, more donuts.

But actually playingFreshly Frosted is anything but. Its intricate treadmills are laid over pastel cloud wallpaper that drifts lazily as you sort through your donuts. The donuts themselves are carefully frosted by soothing, rhythmic machinery that bapp-bap-bap-ing toppings to the beat of a mellow soundtrack that intensifies as your factory starts up and quiets as you think about your next move. . Each level is introduced with a relaxed voiceover that encourages the player, philosophizes about life and, of course, imagines more and more donuts. The donut machines are (according to the light story introduction) constructs of the speaker’s mind, but after only a few minutes of donuts, music and colors massaging my brain,

Freshly Frosted’s magical, noisy donut


Freshly Frosted’s magical, noisy donut factories were designed, oddly enough, on a train. Ally O. Taylor and Ty Taylor tell me the idea was born during Train Jam 2019, based on the “hijacked” prompt and Ally O. Taylor’s interest in creating an “adorable donut game.” Together with programmer Amanda End, they created the first playable version of Freshly Frosted in about four days while traveling from Chicago to San Francisco. Despite such a short time in the oven, the version of Freshly Frosted that emerged from Train Jame was, according to Ty Taylor, “very playable” and even included a lot of more complex mechanics that didn’t appear until very late in the finale. version.

I had literal shower thoughts where I made up levels. The tiling of my shower is a grid… I would stay there imagining donut factories.

games made on its cross-country trip

At the time, Train Jam had a booth at GDC showcasing the games made on its cross-country trip that year, and the feedback the team received from players checking out Freshly Frosted encouraged them to jump in.” fully” in development. A key element that has been fleshed out considerably since its debut in Train Jam has been the number of puzzles: going from a single box of a dozen puzzles to, appropriately, a dozen boxes with a dozen puzzles each. Ty Taylor, who designed the majority of these conveyor belt puzzles, admits that designing puzzles is quite difficult, especially considering the specific feelings he wanted to convey with the donut machines in Freshly Frosted.

“At the start, we wanted one of the main tenants of Freshly Frosted to be satisfaction,” he says. “We wanted it to be satisfying to watch, satisfying to solve. And I also wanted it to be satisfying to look at initially, so that means all the ovens and delivery counters and stations where it’s pretty symmetrical or arranged in an interesting pattern, or maybe it looks like chaos, but at In the end, there is only one solution to make everything fall into place.

Freshly Frosted Details

Freshly Frosted makes me dream colorful donut dreams
Player Count:3 Players (Last 24 Hours)
Download:Via Steam
Developer:The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
Publisher:The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
Categories:Strategy Casual Indie
Freshly Frosted Release Date:10th of June 2022
Freshly Frosted PC price today$6.59 34% saving
What is Freshly Frosted?Place conveyor belts to solve puzzles in the world’s most adorable donut factory!
Freshly Frosted Details

made it simple to play with things

Whenever he got stuck, Ty Taylor says he “made it simple to play with things,” randomly placing start points, end points and decorations before trying to solve it. Usually, these random placements would be impossible. But they helped him brainstorm different ideas for interesting types of solutions, allowing him to rearrange his random creations into functional and creative puzzles.

“I had literal thoughts about the shower where I made up levels,” he later adds. “My shower tile is a grid, a bunch of different colors. So I stood there in hot water and imagined donut factories in the shower.

recent development of Freshly Frosted

Another more recent development of Freshly Frosted has been the addition of a light-hearted story written entirely by Ally O. Taylor, who tells me they researched a number of “donut facts” for the writing while incorporating their own personal story with donuts. Some of these donut facts, they tell me, have come up humorously controversial with streamers playing Freshly Frosted.

“Automatic donut making, so donut factories, are older than sliced ​​bread,” they say. “And if you want to get technical about it, of course, cutting bread with a knife is actually older than automated factories, but automated bread cutting is younger than automated donut making. »

In addition to writing, Ally O. Taylor also did all of the voice acting for Freshly Frosted. They say their work on both was heavily inspired by sleep meditation apps, such as Headspace, which they use frequently.

“I really wanted it to be meditative and a bit sanity-heavy, but not sanity-aggressive,” they say. “I didn’t want it to be so much about it, that it didn’t actually serve the purpose of being meditative. If you go too deep, you won’t feel better. It might make you feel worse instead. That’s why I wanted it to be lightweight for that reason.I really wanted it to be a bit about sanity, but not in an aggressive way… If you go too deep, it won’t make you feel better.

other satisfying and meditative elements

Along with all the other satisfying and meditative elements, there’s the soundtrack to Josie Brechner’s Freshly Frosted, which seamlessly transitions between what Ally O. Taylor describes as “lofi beats for donut making” during have the player work on the puzzle, as Ty Taylor calls it, a “donut dance party” when the puzzle is complete and the factory activates. Brechner also designed the sound effects of Freshly Frosted with an ear toward satisfying sounds, such as the little noises heard when the conveyor belts are set in place and the rhythmic bap-bap-bap of the machines that sync perfectly with the music. while the factory produces donut after donut. .

With Freshly Frosted now, the team is happy with its reception so far as well as their own work. It took them several years, mostly working on the side full-time on other projects, but they tell me the slowness meant they never crunched and were able to release an “enjoyable, full-featured game” without worrying. exhaust. It is a tidy, full and decorated donut box.

thing about Freshly Frosted

“I think the thing about Freshly Frosted is when you watch it, you know what you’re getting into,” says Ally O. Taylor. “You get a very cute and wholesome game that’s very soft and just lighthearted. And maybe there’s a little more sense than you might expect when you first watch it, but not so much more. And if you don’t want that meaning, you can also disable the narrative in the settings. So people are not surprised when they play it. People who buy it know what they’re getting into and they love it.

“…I put a lot of myself into it because it’s my art and my writing and my voice with you all the time. And a lot of vocal lines come a lot from my personal personality. There’s so much of me in it. So whenever people say they like it, I’m like, ‘Oh, they like me. “I’m so glad they like me.

System Requirements

  • Processor: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM.
  • DirectX: Version 9.0.
  • Storage: 300 MB available space.
  • OS: Windows XP SP2+

how to Freshly Frosted Download

To get started with the installation of the game “Freshly Frosted Download” on your device, follow the simple steps provided below:

  • Begin by clicking on the “Download Game” button to initiate the complete installation process.
  • Next, proceed to download the “Freshly Frosted” Installer setup. It’s worth noting that this setup supports resumable downloads.
  • Once the download is complete, open the Game Installer. Click on the “Next” button and select the desired directory where you wish to install the game.
  • Allow the game to download in the specified directory of your device. This may take some time depending on your internet speed.
  • After the download is finished, you can run the game and start enjoying the full version gameplay experience.
  • Should you encounter any issues while running “Freshly Frosted Download,” please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. We are committed to assisting you and will respond to your query as soon as possible.

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